

How Rush Works

Step 1

Come find our booth on Dexter Lawn, eat some good BBQ, and chop it up with the brothers and pick up our rush cards!

Step 2

Come to our open rush events to get to know the brothers and develop a better understanding of the fraternity!

Step 3

Following that week, some PNMS will be invited to our invite only events to to develop a deeper understanding of you and what you can bring to Phi Delta Theta.

Step 4

If deemed a good fit, we will offer you a bid which is an offer for you to join Phi Delta Theta as a Phikeia!

Our Amazing Recruitment Chair!

Our Amazing Recruitment Chair!

Hello everyone! I'm super stoked to meet each and every one of you who's coming out to rush this quarter. I'm beyond excited to see all the phenomenal guys that we are going to add to this amazing chapter! Be sure to reach out to me with any questions or concerns regarding this week. My phone number is 720-717-5527.


Phi Delta Theta

Copyright 2024

Phi Delta Theta

Copyright 2024

Phi Delta Theta

Copyright 2024