

Becoming a leader

Becoming a leader

The brothers of Phi Delta Theta are leaders. Whether that is through taking on different roles in the chapter or different leadership positions in other clubs/organizations, members of Phi Delta Theta are always looking step out of their comfort zones and take on new opportunities.

Our Executive Board

In our chapter, we offer several ways to step up and build your leadership skills. You can step up to be an officer or even run to be on our executive board. Taking leadership positions allows you to build essential communication, leadership, and teamwork skills needed at the next level of your professional career.


Colin Shea

3rd Year

Buisness Adminstration


Colin Shea

3rd Year

Buisness Adminstration


Colin Shea

3rd Year

Buisness Adminstration

Vice President

Michael Mahfood

3rd Year

Buisness Adminstration

Vice President

Michael Mahfood

3rd Year

Buisness Adminstration

Vice President

Michael Mahfood

3rd Year

Buisness Adminstration


Armaan Huda

4th Year

Buisness Adminstration


Armaan Huda

4th Year

Buisness Adminstration


Armaan Huda

4th Year

Buisness Adminstration


Neal Parthasarathy

2nd Year

Graphic Communication


Neal Parthasarathy

2nd Year

Graphic Communication


Neal Parthasarathy

2nd Year

Graphic Communication

Phikeia Educator

Will Herrick

3rd Year

Wine and Viticulture

Phikeia Educator

Will Herrick

3rd Year

Wine and Viticulture

Phikeia Educator

Will Herrick

3rd Year

Wine and Viticulture

Recruitment Chair

Mark Robinson

4th Year


Recruitment Chair

Mark Robinson

4th Year


Recruitment Chair

Mark Robinson

4th Year


Social Chair

Marshall Priester

4th Year

Industrial Tech and Packaging

Social Chair

Marshall Priester

4th Year

Industrial Tech and Packaging

Social Chair

Marshall Priester

4th Year

Industrial Tech and Packaging

Philanthropy Chair

Sebi Lopez

4th Year

Construction Mangagement

Philanthropy Chair

Sebi Lopez

4th Year

Construction Mangagement

Philanthropy Chair

Sebi Lopez

4th Year

Construction Mangagement

Scholarship Chair

Alex Azzolino

3rd Year


Scholarship Chair

Alex Azzolino

3rd Year


Scholarship Chair

Alex Azzolino

3rd Year


Risk Management

Ayden Ziegler

3rd Year

Mechanical Engineering

Risk Management

Ayden Ziegler

3rd Year

Mechanical Engineering

Risk Management

Ayden Ziegler

3rd Year

Mechanical Engineering


Jake Rodriguez

3rd Year

Political Science


Jake Rodriguez

3rd Year

Political Science


Jake Rodriguez

3rd Year

Political Science

Outside of Phi Delt

Outside of Phi Delt

We also encourage members also to take leadership positions in organizations outside of Phi Delta Theta. For example, we have leaders in Cal Poly ASI, Cal Poly IFC, Cal Poly Entrepreneurship Club, and various other clubs and organizations.

Phi's in the Professional World

Phi's in the Professional World

We also have brothers taking on some incredible internships and jobs at these amazing companies. These are super cool opportunities for them! At Phi Delta Theta, we encourage our members to start building their professional network as soon as possible to further enhance their professional careers.

We have also have brothers taking on internships and jobs at these awesome companies. These are super cool opportunities for them! At Phi Delta Theta, we encourage our members to start building their professional network as soon as possible to further enhance their future careers.

Phi Delta Theta


Copyright 2024

Phi Delta Theta


Copyright 2024

Phi Delta Theta


Copyright 2024